Volume 13, Number 2Case ReviewMalignant Priapism Secondary to Metastatic Prostate Cancer: A Case Report and Review of LiteratureYu-Hsiang LinJerry J KimNed B SteinMohit KheraPenile metastasis of cancers from other primary sites is a rare phenomenon that infrequently manifests as malignant priapism. We outline a case of an 84-year-old patient who presented with a 3-month history of painful priapism after radiation therapy for prostate adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent surgical penile exploration and cavernosal biopsy that revealed poorly differentiated cells suggestive of prostate cancer. Postoperative imaging demonstrated extensive regional and distal metastases. A review of the literature on penile metastases returned approximately 400 published cases, with priapism being the initial presentation in 20% to 50% of cases. Regardless of site of origin or subsequent management, most cases have shown very poor prognosis. [Rev Urol. 2011;13(2):90-94 doi: 10.3909/riu0508] © 2011 MedReviews®, LLCProstate cancerMalignant priapismPenile metastasis