Volume 8, Number 4Review ArticlesDiagnostic Utility of the ImmunoCyt/uCyt+ Test in Bladder CancerDiagnostic UpdateBadrinath R KonetyAnna BerryKirsten L GreeneBladder cancer is a common malignancy in the United States. Although urine cytology is a useful adjunct in both diagnosis and follow-up and is highly sensitive for detecting high-grade tumors, it is limited by decreased sensitivity in detecting low-grade tumors, which constitute the majority of new diagnoses. Additional screening tests with high sensitivity and specificity for urothelial tumors of all grades are indicated to help improve the diagnostic ability of urine cytology as well as to reduce the need for frequent cystoscopies, especially in those with low-risk disease. Several assays have been developed, with the ImmunoCyt/uCyt test (DiagnoCure, Inc., Québec, Canada) being especially promising. Recent studies on the applicability and efficacy of ImmunoCyt/uCyt testing are reviewed, as are its sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value in the follow-up and screening of urothelial malignancies. [Rev Urol. 2006;8(4):190-197]Bladder cancerCystoscopyImmunoCyt/uCyttestUrothelial malignancies