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Self-Assessment Post-Test

SELF-ASSESSMENT POST-TEST There are no fees for participating and receiving CME credit for this activity. During the period November 2004 through November 30, 2005, participants must: 1) read the learning objectives and faculty disclosures; 2) study the educational activity; 3) complete the post-test by recording the best answer to each question in the answer key on the evaluation form; 4) complete the evaluation form; and 5) mail or fax the evaluation form with answer key to the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine LHRH Agonists: Contemporary Issues 1. The likelihood of biochemical relapse is low when the Gleason score is no more than a. 0-6 b. 7-10 c. 11-17 d. 18-22 2. Negative prognostic factors include a. positive surgical margins or nodal metastases b. invasion of adjacent structures c. positive seminal vesicle d. Gleason score of 8 or above e. all of the above 3. Which of the following statements about prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment over the last 10-15 years is NOT true? a. Fewer cases of metastatic disease are being diagnosed. b. Patients are being diagnosed at an earlier age. c. Some patients diagnosed with localized disease would not die from it if not treated. d. Hormone therapy has not produced a benefit in survival. 4. PSA relapse is an indicator of a. advanced prostate cancer b. likely shortened natural life span c. both a and b 5. There is retrospective database evidence that early hormone therapy for PSA relapse in high risk patients may have survival benefits over delayed hormone therapy. a. true b. false 6. PSA doubling in less than 3 months and up to one year is a direct surrogate for death from prostate cancer. a. true b. false 7. According to Dr. Chodak, treatment with maximum androgen blockade a. is clearly supported by the findings of the meta-analysis b. may produce a survival benefit in some patients c. both a and b 8. Findings of seven studies were reviewed by Dr. Roach in his presentation. What conclusion(s) did Dr. Roach reach? a. Neoadjuvant hormone therapy is beneficial when combined with external beam radiotherapy to intermediate risk patients. b. Biologic interactions between hormone therapy and radiation therapy in the prostate may not be sequence dependent. c. Neoadjuvant hormone therapy without long term hormone therapy is inadequate treatment in patients with high risk disease. d. all of the above 9. Two to three months of neoadjuvant hormone therapy and external beam radiotherapy appear to be adequate for intermediate risk patients with no benefit shown with concurrent or short term adjuvant hormone therapy. a. true b. false 10. According to Dr. Painter, which of the following are true related to the urologist’s practice? a. Cost and payment structures will change. b. Conversion to electronic medical records (EMR) is mandated. c. Connectivity, both incoming and outgoing, is a critical element of an effective EMR system. d. Clear documentation of medical necessity of services is essential. e. all of the above EVALUATION FORM LHRH Agonists: Contemporary Issues Project ID: 2497 ES 13 Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM) respects and appreciates your opinions. To assist us in evaluating the effectiveness of this activity and to make recommendations for future educational offerings, please take a few minutes to complete this evaluation form. You must complete this evaluation form to receive acknowledgement of participation for this activity. Please Print Clearly Name: Address: City/State: Phone Number: E-mail: Specialty: Box/Suite: Zip Code: Fax Number: VOL. 6 SUPPL. 8 2004 REVIEWS IN UROLOGY S39 Please answer the following questions by circling the appropriate rating: (5 = Outstanding; 4 = Good; 3 = Satisfactory; 2 = Fair; 1 = Poor) EXTENT TO WHICH PROGRAM ACTIVITIES MET THE IDENTIFIED OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to: • Review hormonal therapy historical perspective and recent advances for treatment of high-risk and advanced prostate cancer. • Discuss neoadjuvant hormonal therapy in men being treated with radiotherapy. • Discuss the foundation and the clinical data of total androgen blockade. • Describe the evolving definition of advanced prostate cancer. • Review the changing face of urology in the era of managed care. 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ACTIVITY • Was timely and will influence how I practice • Will assist me in improving patient care • Will influence how I practice • Fulfilled my educational needs • Avoided commercial bias or influence 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 IMPACT OF THE ACTIVITY The information presented: (check all that apply)  Reinforced my current practice/treatment habits  Will improve my practice/patient outcomes  Provided new ideas or information I expect to use  Enhanced my current knowledge base Will the information presented cause you to make any changes in your practice? Yes___ No___ If yes, please describe any change(s) you plan to make in your practice as a result of this activity: How committed are you to making these changes? (Very committed) 5 4 3 2 1 (Not at all committed) IMPACT OF THE ACTIVITY Do you feel future activities on this subject matter are necessary and/or important to your practice?  Yes  No Please list any other topics that would be of interest to you for future educational activities: FOLLOW-UP As part of our ongoing continuous quality-improvement effort, we conduct post-activity follow-up surveys to assess the impact of our educational interventions on professional practice. Please indicate your willingness to participate in such a survey:  Yes, I would be interested in participating in a follow-up survey  No, I’m not interested in participating in a follow-up survey Additional comments about this activity: POST-TEST ANSWER KEY 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10___ I certify my actual time spent to complete this educational activity to be:  I participated in the entire activity and claim 1.75 credits. If you wish to receive acknowledgement of participation for this activity, please complete the post-test by selecting the best answer to each question, complete this evaluation verification of participation and FAX to: 303-790-4876  I participated in only part of the activity and claim _____ credits. Signature: S40 VOL. 6 SUPPL. 8 2004 REVIEWS IN UROLOGY Date Completed:

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