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Self-Assessment Post-Test

SELF-ASSESSMENT POST-TEST There are no fees for participating and receiving CME credit for this activity. During the period from December 2003 through December 31, 2004, participants must: 1) read the learning objectives and faculty disclosures; 2) study the educational activity; 3) complete the post-test by recording the best answer to each question in the answer key on the evaluation form; 4) complete the evaluation form; and 5) mail or fax the evaluation form with answer key to Postgraduate Institute for Medicine. New Developments in the Treatment of Overactive Bladder 1. Therapeutically, it is more important for a drug to be tissue-selective than receptor subtype–selective. a. True b. False 2. Which of the following are being investigated as targets to treat overactive bladder (OAB)? a. Tachykinins b. Vanilloids c. Nitric oxide d. All of the above 3. The most important factor(s) that influence(s) treatment recommendations of pharmacologic and behavioral therapy versus surgery for the treatment of mixed urinary incontinence is/are: a. The patient’s dominating symptom b. Patient age c. The severity of the patient’s OAB d. All of the above e. Answers a and c 4. The primary advantage of transdermally delivered oxybutynin is that it results in a reduced ratio of the plasma concentration of the parent compound to its metabolite, N-desethyloxybutynin. a. True b. False 5. The primary adverse effect of transdermal delivery systems is skin sensitivity reactions consisting of: a. Nonimmunologic contact dermatitis (eg, irritant dermatitis, erythema, burns) b. Allergic contact sensitivity involving a cell-mediated immune response c. Answers a and b 6. Tolterodine and oxybutynin are commonly used to treat OAB in pregnant women. a. True b. False 7. Which of the following statements is/are true about pharmacologic treatment of OAB in the frail elderly? a. Propantheline has demonstrated efficacy. b. Large clinical trials have shown tolterodine to have adverse cognitive side effects. c. Well-designed studies are needed in the frail elderly population. 8. Which of the following statements is/are true? a. The bladder dome possesses the highest density of muscarinic receptors, with the M3 receptor being predominant. b. ß-Adrenergic receptors do not play a role in detrusor dysfunction associated with bladder outlet obstruction. c. Nitric oxide appears to modulate low detrusor pressure during micturition and probably serves to facilitate vesical storage function. d. Answers a and b e. Answers b and c f. Answers a and c EVALUATION FORM New Developments in the Treatment of Overactive Bladder Project ID: 0031552 ES 13 Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM) respects and appreciates your opinions. To assist us in evaluating the effectiveness of this activity and to make recommendations for future educational offerings, please take a few minutes to complete this evaluation form. Please note, a statement of participation is issued only upon receipt of your completed evaluation form. Please Print Clearly Name: Address: City: Phone Number: E-mail: State: Specialty: Box/Suite: Zip Code: Fax Number: VOL. 5 SUPPL. 8 2003 REVIEWS IN UROLOGY S43 Answer key: 1. a, 2. d, 3. e, 4. a, 5. c, 6. b, 7. c, 8. f Please answer the following questions by circling the appropriate rating: (5 = Outstanding; 4 = Good; 3 = Satisfactory; 2 = Fair; 1 = Poor) EXTENT TO WHICH PROGRAM ACTIVITIES MET THE IDENTIFIED OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to: • Identify the various treatment options for OAB • Discuss the neurophysiology of lower urinary tract function and dysfunction • Describe the benefits and practical applications of transdermal therapy for OAB • Review the epidemiology of OAB in the United States 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ACTIVITY • Objectives were related to overall purpose/goal(s) of activity • Related to my practice needs • Will influence how I practice • Will help me improve patient care • Stimulated my intellectual curiosity • Overall quality of material • Overall, the activity met my expectations • Avoided commercial bias or influence 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Will the information presented cause you to make any changes in your practice? If yes, please describe any change(s) you plan to make in your practice as a result of this activity: How committed are you to making these changes? Yes___ No___ 5 4 (Very) 3 2 1 (Not at all) Additional comments about this activity: Do you feel future activities on this subject matter are necessary and/or important to your practice? Please list any other topics that would be of interest to you for future educational activities: Degree: ❒ MD ❒ DO ❒ PharmD ❒ RN Yes___ No___ ❒ PA ❒ BS ❒ Other: To obtain a statement of participation, you must complete the post-test by selecting the best answer to each question, complete the evaluation form, and mail or fax your completed evaluation form to Postgraduate Institute for Medicine. POST-TEST ANSWER KEY 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ If you wish to receive credit for this activity, please fill in your name and address and mail or fax to: ❒ I completed the entire activity and claim 2.0 credit hours. Postgraduate Institute for Medicine P.O. Box 260620 Littleton, CO 80163-0620 Fax: (303) 790-4876 ❒ I completed only part of the activity and claim credit hours based on ____ hours of participation. Signature: Release date: December 2003 Expiration: Credit will be awarded for required materials postmarked or received no later than December 31, 2004. Certificates will be mailed within 1 month of receipt of these materials. S44 VOL. 5 SUPPL. 8 2003 REVIEWS IN UROLOGY

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