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Letter From the President of LUGPA

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Evan Goldfischer, MD, MBA

I’m thrilled to share a recap of our successful March 2024 DC Fly-In, where LUGPA members gathered in Washington, DC, to advocate for the crucial health care reforms outlined in our 2024 Legislative and Regulatory Agenda.

Our efforts during the fly-in were highly productive, with members participating in 21 impactful meetings. We expressed gratitude for the congressional support garnered thus far, particularly applauding recent adjustments to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. We emphasized the need for further reforms, however, to sustain independent practices and ensure continued care provision to thousands of patients annually.

During our meetings with lawmakers, we emphasized several key issues. First, we highlighted the necessity of sustainable physician reimbursement and advocated for reform of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act to address the ongoing challenges independent practices face. Additionally, we advocated for the advancement of legislation such as the Seniors’ Access to Critical Medications Act and the Protecting Patient Access to Cancer and Complex Therapies Act, which are crucial for ensuring patients’ access to specialized care and life-saving treatments.

In addition to our main agenda items, we discussed continuity of care, improvements to graduate medical education, and essential changes to laws governing pharmacy benefit managers. We were encouraged by lawmakers’ openness to supporting these efforts and their robust interest in the bills we championed.

Looking ahead, we anticipate addressing various health care policy topics, including cybersecurity, advancements in artificial intelligence, and the expansion of telehealth services. Hopefully, by the time you read this, the Senate Finance Committee and a bipartisan working group will have completed their comprehensive review of payment reform and come up with possible solutions to this particularly urgent issue.

I urge all LUGPA members to attend our fly-ins as your presence is crucial in advocating for reforms that affect independent medical practices and the patients we serve. Your participation and support are invaluable as we continue to bring about positive change in the health care landscape. Everyone who has had a chance to visit with lawmakers as part of our LUGPA delegation has valued the experience and stated that it gave them a new perspective on the importance of our advocacy work. Anyone who is interested in attending a fly-in with LUGPA in Washington, DC, or would like more information should contact Matthew Glans at